This training is addressed to all those who are willing to become entrepreneurs and to those who already have a business and want to improve their skills and knowledge in order to obtain better results in front of the competitors. This training is authorised by KHDA and after completion you will be aware of all aspects involved in opening a business, such as: motivation, risks, advertising, knowledge of business field).
The topics are the following:
Chapter 1
1. The motivation for becoming entrepreneur
2. The transition from being employed to your own company
3. Why the entrepreneurship is not for everyone?
Chapter 2
1. How should you choose your field of activity?
2. What do you know to do?
3. How much are you willing to invest?
Chapter 3
1. The risks
2. What is your risk profile as a person?
3. Who will manage the risks in your business and who will take the decisions?
4. Are you sure that you will take all the decisions?
Chapter 4
1. The tipology of the business: unique customers and loyal customers
2. How to promote your business in online and off line
3. Does your business plan help you?
4. Plan B
The training will last around 8 hours of theory and practice and costs 1200 AED/ per person. For details and registration, please contact us at [email protected] or at the phone/whsatsapp +971581676491.
This,( Entrepreneurship training online (for beginners) – authorised by KHDA – 50% discount Christmas offer) course/offer still available ? until which date?
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