Trainings for teachers in the colaboration with the canadian partener
– about 15 hours – 700 AED/ person
1. Approaching the equal opportunities – gender related in general ( the way in which male and female occupations are explained/ learned from early ages, the labor market opened to everyone, etc.)
2. Equal opportunities in education – a utopia? YES, not all of us have the same chances. How can these be improved in modern society, especially for disadvantaged groups (gender/ disabilities)?
3. Women’s chances of graduating and getting leadership positions in different organizations/ becoming entrepreneurs – How can this be applied on the diversity of nationalities in Canada / Emirates?
4. Equality of chances – facing the social and family pressure
5. Gender stereotypes in school – prejudice and discrimination
6. Multiculturalism in a school / society – how does it influence integration and perception?
7. Segregate versus integrate
8. Special needs: categories, specific approach of the educational system, learning differentiation
9. Integration mode for: physical disability, mental disability (example of deficiencies), types of mental deficiencies and ways to improve (eg autism, ADHD, dyslexia, retardation of different types)
10. Particular aspects of Canadian / European education in the special education field on the different school levels (from pre- KG to high school)
11. Human and material resources available to the school/ teachers who have SEN children in the classroom
12. The Community and inclusion (how the community relates to these people and what are their chances in the society/community)
13. The attributions of the non-governmental organizations in the field and their way of collaboration/involvement in this process
14. Personal experiences from Canada and Europe
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