Trainings for teachers in the colaboration with the canadian partener
– about 10 hours of theory and practice – 600 AED/ person
Chapter 1 – Communication
1. Efficient communication – teacher’s job description – the basics
2. Communication and positive addressing methods
3. Communication and learning barriers
Practical session : Addressing conflicts
Chapter 2 – Relating the needs and the motivation to the learning process
1. Maslow’s theory
2. Positive and negative motivation
3. Self-respect and school performance (for the student and the teacher)
4. The 6 pillars of self-respect
Practical session: EQ – Emotion recognition game
Chapter 3 – David Kolb’s Learning Styles
1. What kind of learning style do we have?
2. What are the characteristics of each style?
3. How do we addapt to each and every learning style as teachers?
4. Differences between the classic styles of information perception/ learning: auditory, visual and kinesthetic.
Practical session: Learning style test – testing everyone’s learning style
Chapter 4 – Bloom’s taxonomy
1. Basics of learning by applying the cognitive principles
2. Bloom’s learning levels: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
3. Bloom’s taxonomy – Anderson’s version
4. Learning levels defined by Anderson: retention/remembering, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation, creation.
5. Bloom’s and DOK’s taxonomy
Practical session: Physics lesson/exercise/example
Chapter 5 – Evaluation
1. Competence – the result of the learning process
2. Formative and summative evaluation
3. Correct ways of designing the tests for each subject
4. Assessments frequency and the specific assessment method for each learning style
Practical session: Hess matrix
Chapter 6 – Teaching methods
1. How to speak “the students’ language”?
2. Applying the proper teaching method to each learning style
3. The difference between physical and online teaching
Practical session: Teaching methods applied on different learning style
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